Surprisingly, I actually liked Eclipse. I'm not sure if it's because it's just the best Twilight movie so far, my expectations were low, or it's because I saw it so closely after The Last Airbender. LoL Anyway, it was pretty faithful to the book, which was amazing. The fighting was really good CG too. The comparisons of what made Eclipse work and The Last Airbender not is just amazing. If anything, it had decent acting! I think Kristen Stewart has gotten better at acting as Bella over the years. She's more how I imagined her now. She's still a little too weak for me, but she's better. Pattinson and Lautner have also gotten better as Edward and Jacob. Lautner has definitely come into his own as Jacob. Pattinson didn't annoy me as much as he usually does (I do not prefer him as an actor -- even in Harry Potter).
I do think this book has one of the more interesting storylines in it than the other books. The other books kind of lead up to, which is why it kind of feels like Eclipse could have been the end of the series. Almost all the plot lines (except her turning to a vampire and the Volutri) are solved in the 3rd book and most start in the 1st book. I'd say Eclipse was ALMOST my favorite book in the series, except..the love triangle really annoyed me in the book and the second one (New Moon) had no Edward (I'm an Edward fan). So, the first book, Twilight remains my favorite, but Eclipse just has so much more going for it than Twilight. I just wish the book series ended at Eclipse with an epilogue than Breaking Dawn, which ruined the entire series for me. So...I MIGHT see Breaking Dawn in theaters or I may just see Part 1 and skip Part 2. LoL
Chris and I also watched Adventureland. It's about a year old, but it was better than we thought. It was your pretty typical "coming of age" film. It was nice to see Kristen Stewart in something other than Twilight. LoL I still don't particularly like her, but she's okay.
Anyway, with that, first day of work at TNC tomorrow!
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