Saturday, November 13, 2010

Another Steve Haskin piece on Zenyatta (and life/movie update)

This article by Steve Haskin is about Zenyatta and the impact she has had on people. These are touching personal pieces about people who have had different obstacles in their life and how Zenyatta has helped them get through them. She's better than most therapy and most of these people have only seen her on TV or read about her. I think part of her allurement is the fact she dances and paws the ground before and after races, but she's also known to have this very, very sweet temperament which is highly unusual for Thoroughbreds (they tend to be high strung, territorial, etc).

Haskin's article: Zenyatta Stirred the Emotions

No news on her retirement yet and she's back in California. I suspect they'll wait a little longer to think it out and watch her.

School right now is a little stressful. I have 3 weeks left until I'm finished. I don't have anything finals week so I end up being finished Friday, December 3rd (so I get an extra week of break -- 4 weeks instead of 3!). Unfortunately, it's a packed 3 weeks between GP, environmental modeling, and cost-benefit analysis. GP is stressful...VERY stressful. I think Wednesday is an "oh crap" meeting since our advisor won't be there. We also have to decide who will present for our progress report meeting, which is being scheduled Monday, November 29th. Environmental modeling was pretty easy in the beginning of the quarter and now they're reformatting a little so I'm a little stressed this weekend and early this next week. I have managed to make up for my 6.75 first assignment (there are nine 10-point assignments and 10 pts for participation) and have pulled myself to a 91%. I just need to keep pulling 10's and high 9's and I MIGHT just manage to pull an A in the class. I at least am on target for an A-. Phew. I'm starting to write my CBA paper. I decided to do a critique instead. I need to start studying for the final too. So, yeah, I'm a little stressed. On the other hand, I'm nowhere near as stressed as some of my fellow classmates. So...I keep trying to tell myself that. :P

In other news, I MIGHT be going to the doctor on Monday. I'm drinking tons of fluids and it seems to be helping, but my kidney or appendix (something down near there) and stomach was PAINFULLY hurting Thursday night and all day Friday (it was a sharp pain if you pressed it, if I laughed, etc and my stomach was having these sharp pains too -- so weird). I've drunk over 36 fluid ounces of cranberry juice and am trying to push fluids and it seems to be helping so I'm hoping I was just a little dehydrated and my kidney wasn't being flushed enough. Now that it's being flushed, it'll be okay. It does seem to feel a lot better this evening, but it still hurts a little. Fingers crossed the pain goes away Monday and it was just the kidney not being flushed. Anything else I can't afford to have (monetarily and school wise).

Other than that...not much is going on. I did see Just Wright (Queen Latifah), The Girl Who Played with Fire, and Megamind in the last month or so. Just Wright was surprisingly better than I thought it was going to be. It's predictable, but the chemistry was good, the story was good, and Queen Latifah was great in it. It's one of the more enjoyable rom-coms I've seen. I wouldn't buy it (it's not The Proposal caliber), but it was a good rental. The Girl Who Played with Fire is the 2nd book in the Larsson series. Another good movie. It had more of the feeling of the 2nd Bourne movie (she's being set up for crimes she didn't commit, has to go out and prove herself, find the guys, etc). If you liked the first, you'll like the 2nd. You can't watch it without the first movie, though.  Megamind was also good. Of all the animations I've seen this year (How to Train Your Dragon, Toy Story 3, Despicable Me, and Megamind), I'd rank them How to Train Your Dragon (Toothless is just TOO cute!), Toy Story 3 (very, very, close second), Megamind, and then Despicable Me. Despicable Me wasn't that fantastic of a story. What made the movie enjoyable were the minons. Without them, the movie would have fallen flat for me. Megamind had a good story and the trailer I always saw actually is NOT what the movie is really about. Brad Pitt makes a big headliner for the movie, but...he's not in the movie that much at all. So perhaps that's one reason why I liked it more than Despicable Me.

Upcoming movies I'm looking forward to are Due Date (I know it's already out -- maybe a rental at this point), Harry Potter (!!!), Tangled (new Disney), Narnia, and Tron. I MIGHT want to see The Tourist, but I'll wait for the reviews (Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp romantic thriller). Next summer is going to be interesting! Gotta see Thor and Captain America (gotta get ready for Avenger!),  Pirates of the Caribbean 4, Kung Fu Panda 2, Cars 2 (that was a surpriser for me), The Green Lantern, and Transformers 3. I haven't decided yet if I want to see Breaking Dawn next fall...Gah I hate that last book. I think I will invent my own version of the Twilight Saga and it will only be 3 books!

With that...Back to writing my CBA paper (due Dec 3). I've written 4 pages and the max is 10 pages. I think I'll write till I can't write anymore about a critique of this paper. Hoping it'll be around 8 pages, though. Tomorrow's homework is all dedicated to environmental modeling and then I'll study CBA the rest of the week off and on too.

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