Thursday, November 4, 2010

Psych College Tour

(Background Information: Psych is a TV show that airs on USA. It's about these two best friends (Shawn Spencer and Burton "Gus" Guster). Shawn is hyper-aware so he can notice details most people wouldn't notice. Shawn's dad is a former police officer so he used to make Shawn practice using his hyperawareness. Now that he's an adult, he pretends he's psychic and helps solve police cases with Gus (as more the voice of reason). The show is very, very funny and not your typical crime-drama. It's more of a crime-comedy (no bloody scenes or bodies like CSI, no autopsies, no forensic labs) and more on the detective end (finding clues, following leads, etc). It's a great show to say the least with a lot of humor and James Roday (Shawn) and Dulé Hill (Gus) are a great pairing in the show. BTW, Dulé Hill was in The West Wing as Charlie Young. So seeing him in a more comedic role compared to his role in West Wing is pretty interesting.

They decided to a college tour at a few different colleges to do a pre-screening of the season 5.5 premiere, give away free stuff, and feed us free pizza. I went and the event was held on campus and was open to UCSB students and faculty. The two main stars came along with some other big execs. It was fun and totally free! BTW, the show "takes place" in Santa Barbara. Unfortunately, they actually film the show in Vancouver. :P)

What a CRAZY and fun night!

They let us in around 5:45pm, but it didn't start till 7pm. They fed us Domino's pizza (pepperoni or cheese) and gave us sodas and water.

Steve Franks (creator of the show) was basically the MC for the evening. He also gave away most of the stuff too. He did it pretty randomly, but they gave away bobblehead sets, pineapple stress balls, pineapple pillows (those were the big ticket items), Magic 8 balls, the big green "The Psychic is In" mugs, smaller Psych mugs, Psych footballs, and DVD season 4 sets (that wasn't a throw away gift). I think that was it...They must have given away like 5 of everything except the pineapple stress balls and the mini-footballs which they had to give away like 10-20 of those. There was a moment when all three (Steve, James, and Dulé) were just chucking them out into the crowd till they were out. 

We watched the season premiere (Season 5.5) of Psych! I won't spoil it, but it was AMAZING to watch with 600 other people. LoL They were a very good crowd too so they cut the cheering very quickly. It's a good episode on its own too... :) After the episode (even with the outtakes), Steve came back out and had Dulé Hill (Gus) and James Roday (Shawn) came down the aisles and of course the place exploded. They did a 30 minute Q&A with them and Steve picked out ALL the crazy questions. :P I guess Steve has some of his own questions, but he liked ours so much (said they were the best of any place...take it with a grain of salt :P ) that he wasn't going to ask any of his own. Most people who had a question asked got something and James and Dulé would randomly sign things as they passed. Someone championed them to do an episode at UCSB (I mean, come on...the show is supposed to take place in SB!). Steve also told us that the producers (or whomever) wanted him to base the show in Seattle. LoL James seemed to be the only one who doesn't mind that the show is filmed in Vancouver. He likes being away from L.A. Dulé's response was, "Vancouver, really?" Steve told us Nestor Carbonell (Jules boyfriend Decland Rand) does not wear eyeliner, that's the way his eyes naturally are. :P We got Dulé to tap dance and do an impersonation at the same time (I forget of who...I think I was too excited he was going to tap dance...). One girl put in a question card, filled it all out, and forgot to put a question so Steve put her on the spot and told her to come up with a question. She was having troubles thinking so he said he'd give her a bobblehead set to help her think (James and Dulé signed it). So people were shouting out questions for her and she asked, "Can I have a hug?" They obliged so she got a hug AND signed bobblehead set from them. :P Later on, James actually gave a girl a kiss on her cheek along with the hug! LoL She got pulled up to the stage and James had to give the speech that Shawn gave to Jules at the end of Season 5 (about Jules going away on her trip) to the girl in some manner. I forget the manner, but it was hilarious. So afterwards she got something and boldly asked them to sign it for her and that's when she got the hugs and the kiss. At the end of the Q&A, they told everyone to check underneath our seats because they put little signs underneath them. If you found one, you won a signed copy of season 4. The guy sitting THREE SEATS down from me won! SOO close. Oh well. They also raffled a new iPad and $200 iTunes gift card so you could download all the seasons of Psych. I, of course, did not win it. :( Oh well.

Anyway, after the whole chaos of Q&A (it got pretty crazy at points), they wrapped it up and said they'd stick around a little to sign autographs! It was a frickin' mob! They passed out the lyrics to the theme song so we could all sing it together so I had them sign that. It's a little mutilated, but I got all 3 autographs! I had to basically be a little forceful to get them, but I got them -- amongst all the people, sweat, and everything. Dulé was really nice and talked to people, looked at them when he handed back your whatever after he signed it, and even gave a girl a hug when she asked. James was a little more quiet. In fact, he was pretty quiet the entire time. He was almost aloof. Though, he did come in with this big jacket on and Steve at one point said, "James, you look hot in that jacket." Which, all the girls screamed to. So Steve got him to take his jacket off and underneath he had a UCSB Gauchos hoodie on! Of course, it made us all go crazy. LoL It was probably the most personality he showed most of the night. He did chuckle at times and other things, but he's definitely not Spencer. :P Not to say he wasn't nice like the others or anything. :P Steve was incredibly nice. You just instantly knew he'd be the type of guy you'd want as your next door neighbor. You can also tell he just really, really enjoyed himself doing this tour.  Also, in the audience was a lot of the big-wigs for the show and their spouses. Steve's wife was there.

Once you left, you received a Psych t-shirt that says "I'm a Psych-o" with a pineapple on the front and it has the tour locations on the back. (It's in white...why did it have to be in white?!) We also received one of the mini-footballs. No hats or bags like some of the other places, but the "swag" people or workers had the bag, t-shirt, hat, AND some even had pins. So...Maybe those photos were of them and not the actual attendees. :) We did get caramel popcorn with the Psych sticker on it, which was very random. Popcorn and a TV show premiere? :) Maybe not the best thing about the event, but one of them was this ENTIRE thing was totally FREE! I don't even want to think about how much these things cost them. LoL Luckily, big bulk? :P Domino's was probably happy for the business, but maybe not making 60 pizzas (I swear there was around 60 pizzas).

Photos: Psych College Tour

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