Save your money and wait to see Rango on DVD. It's almost 1:50 hour long and it's a wee bit too long for what it is. There are some good things in it and the story is okay, but it's not a Dreamworks (I keep accidentally calling it "Dreamweaver"...) or Pixar film. The animation is excellent, but something in the story lacked. Plus, it's got some "gross" parts. Not like blood, body parts everywhere, or crude, but some parts that make you go "ewww." Like Rango eats a dragonfly and you watch it go into his mouth and munch it; an armadillo gets run over and you see his inner half is all squished in (no guts or blood) and he's still talking and stuff. Just random weird stuff like that. Also, it's not that much of a kid film because Rango uses some big words that kids probably have no clue what they mean. One word stuck out for me, but I can't remember what it is. So it might be an animation film, but I'm not sure if it's really kid appropriate earlier than 8 and, even then, may work better at 10. Other than that, I'm glad I saw it, but won't see it again and super glad I saw it at a matinee price. Grade: C (maybe C+ if I could have actually gotten into the movie, see below)
My movie watching experience was HORRIBLE! Chris said he thought he was going to have to stop me from strangling the lady next to us. She is an adult with her husband and two grandkids (around 6 and 8) and the girl sat on her lap the entire time and the girl ended up dangling her legs over the seat in front. The most annoying thing was the adult kept talking through the WHOLE movie and even sang with the songs (most songs were well known ones). It was utterly annoying. She talked 3 times more than the girl (who mostly asked questions about what was going in). Chris and I glared at her a lot, but she never noticed apparently. Could have shushed her, but I think she's one of those people who does not realize what she is doing and I had a suspicion she'd just complain about us being "rude". Sadly, we were the only adults around her other than her husband who fell asleep in the middle of movie. Theater was packed, but we got surrounded by kids after we sat down. It was kind of funny because during the exciting moments no talking occurred and she talked enough that I noticed how long she'd go without talking. I hope her granddaughter does not end up like her. I really wanted to shush her up badly.
Funny thing afterwards is Chris and I went to get food and this older guy was talking to the cute hostess. Chris shoved him out of the way to place our order and noted the girl didn't want to talk to that guy. The guy sat down and got back up like 5 minutes later and started talking to her again. She was totally giving him the "leave me alone creepy dude", but he didn't get it. We don't think he touched his food by the time we left with our takeout too. Poor girl.
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