Oh...for Christmas what I got...? I got a digi camera, two dvds, beaded bamboo curtain with dolphins on it....whale slippers...
Wednesday, December 31, 2003
Wednesday, December 24, 2003
1. Trying to talk and understand logic with zell.
Isn't that great?! Only on-line people that know Zell will get this, but that is the greatest thing I've heard all month, it has to be.
Tuesday, December 23, 2003
Recent Earthquake Link
Monday, December 22, 2003
That webpage shows the earthquake and such. Unfortunately there's been so many aftershocks that they only show the 30 most recent ones. The biggest was 6.5. The red are the ones 3+ I think...Any ways, look at that big square!
Sunday, December 21, 2003
4 days till Christmas
It's my 18th Birthday today! I'm legal! Yesterday was a lot of fun with my friends and all. We were the FIRST in line for LotR: The Return of the King. Isn't that COOL?! Okay, so we're dorks, what can we say?
Friday, December 19, 2003
6 days till Christmas
I'M FINISHED!! I got a B in English, A+ in Civics, A in math, A in physics, A in TA. That equals a 4.2 GPA! That means...I made my goal of a 4.2 GPA and I'm in CSF!
I get to see Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King tomorrow! I'm celebrating my birthday a day early since my birthday is on a Sunday and all. So...I'm having people come over tomorrow and such. It'll be fun!
That is all for now!
Wednesday, December 17, 2003
Tuesday, December 16, 2003
Monday, December 15, 2003
6 more days till my 18th birthday!
2 more days of school, for me
10 days till Christmas
YAY! School's almost done! I have an English final and my ASL final tomorrow. I have math and physics on Wednesday. I don't need to come into school on Thursday and Friday, coming in to get my grades and then going out to brunch with a bunch of friends to do a surprise going away party for our friend, Daniel. He's going back to Brazil on Sat, the 20th. Nothing really new for me. *shrugs* I haven't done any of my Christmas shopping, yet. Going to try and tackle most of my shopping on Thursday and this weekend.
I'm going to be directing a bunch of kids on Christmas Eve in a song that they're going to be signing. I some how became the director...*shrugs* It'll be cool though.
I'm glad there's no ROV tonight. Tomorrow I have my ASL final before the day of my two hardest finals, but I DO get out at noon all days this week with finals and such. *shrugs* I also have a 109% in Civics too! I don't have to take that final, which is nice. I'm staying in Civics to force myself to study for ASL in there, and also math and physics, if I want to there. Though, I may end up sleeping, LoL. I'll probably study for ASL.
Over the break I have to work on the DC trip powerpoint research stuff, my internship project and journal. I'm gonna try to go in a few times during break because I can put in a full long day which would help. I have about 22 hours or something. I don't remember. I think that's all the homework I have to do over the break though. It's nice!
Well, all for now!
Tuesday, December 9, 2003
News: I'm going to Washington DC the 13th-18th! The conference is the 14th-16th. Day of travel, day of doing whatever we want, day of travel.
Internship: It's going good. Slowly I'm gaining hours, but it's goin' at least!
Petsitting: Woohoo! I've got at least one house to do this Christmas.
Beading work: It's comin'. I seem to keep buying new beads a lot lately...
School: Finals are a week from today. I've got only 3 finals so it's all good.
Aquarium: Going to the information meeting to do the guide class tomorrow night. I also found a sub so I don't have to go in this Sunday because of finals and my Mondays are so packed and such.
American Sign Language (ASL) Class: It's goin' good. Taking my lab final this Thursday (we get videoed on how we sign). Our written final is on Tuesday (same day I start finals at school). Then...NO MORE ASL! Which is sad and good. I won't see my classmates anymore, but I'll be glad to have Tues & Thurs evenings open for most of Jan before I start the Aquarium class on Tuesday nights Jan 20th.
MISC: I messed my back up! But it's all good...
All for now!
Tuesday, December 2, 2003
Dudes...I woke up at 4:30am this morning to go to San Jose to see the California State Supreme Court at work. I got home around 2:50pmish. Then I skipped class because I'm not feeling well again and I was dead tired.
Friday, November 28, 2003
I hope everyone had a good Turkey Day! Mine was good. I actually didn't eat too much this year to the point I was stuffed...
Wednesday, November 26, 2003
Man, it's been a while since I've updated...I've been extremely busy here, and I got sick again.
Well, I hope everyone has a GOOD Thanksgiving and forgive me for not updating in 8 days, I've just been WAY too busy. I come home around 8:30pm M, T, Th, and Sun. Wed at 5pm. Oh, don't eat TOO much on Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 18, 2003
ASL tonight. I have a physics test Thurs, an ASL test Thurs, two English quizzes on Thurs, and a Civics 30 pt quiz on Thurs. Talk about a FULL Thursday. I have a math test Tuesday. I'm goin' to Anaheim for Thanksgivin' too. Leave Wednesday and return Sat night, have the aquarium that weekend too. But that is over a week away! This weekend I have hardly ANYTHING to do, for once, and one of the final weekends for a while.
Winterball is Dec 6th and rapidly comin' up. My friend and I would rather not go, but two of my other friends want to go. It's the whole thing of dressing up. Plus one friend already bought a dress. I suggested we dress up, go out to eat somewhere pretty nice, go to a movie (dressed up), and then go to Denny's late at night (still dressed up). Winterball just ain't all that much, besides taking formal pictures. *shrugs* It'll cost $20 to go for one person to go dance for 3+ hours hours while you're all dressed up and take nice pictures. I dunno, doesn't seem worth it to me. A LOT of my other friends want me to go, but if I don't have a date, what's the point? I've been given...uh..."recommendations" in who to go with, but *rolls eyes* I just don't want to bother with it; if someone wants to go they gotta ask me or my friends have to force me into going, me and Jamie are both the same way. We're either/or, but if I go I'd have to get a dress and all, and we'd rather just hang out. I don't care if it's my Senior year and I "HAVE" to go. I'll go to prom, so why does it MATTER?! We shall see how things evolve over time!
Oh, there's this article in the newspaper too about our football game. Apparently they ended it with 1:05minutes left on the clock because it was beginning to be too unsportsmanship-like. Apparently people started crowding the fields, the football players didn't shake hands afterwards either, and a lot of other stuff. :- Guess rivalry went a bit too far this time. *shrugs* I left early and I truly don't care for the whole rivalry thing. It's just fun to tease!