Days till my 19th Birthday: 6
Days till Christmas: 10
Okay...breath me, breath...So...the state of my calc final you ask?! Well...I don't think I'd like to answer that question...

It went okay...I did something REALLY stupid though. I started this word problem, and I looked at it and it didn't look right so I erased it and spent 30 MINUTES trying to figure it out. Well...I finally gave up and turned my final in with only doing half of the problem. I leave and look at my notes...and...guess what?! I had done the problem RIGHT when I first tried it! How STUPID did I feel?! REALLY stupid! But yeah, if I get everything else right in my final, hopefully, I'll get a high B or low A, but we'll see...
The meeting with my FYS teacher was okay. It was short. My teacher just basically said that if I get a good grade on my last paper I turned in (memoir paper) than I'll get an A+ in the class. I figured that was good enough for me!!

Work is going okay. I'm working full-time now (or as many hours that a "listed" part-time employee can get, without overtime). I'm just GLAD I ain't closing for the store! I had this lady call in the other day and ask what time we closed. I said "midnight" and she's all "midnight?" I'm all "yup, 12am" than she says, "You poor, poor souls..."

It was kind of funny. The people coming in have been pretty good. No REALLY cranky people. I've had a few minor grumpy people, but *shrugs*
Rate of unpleasant customers:
Yelling Mad (you'd be amazed how many "yelling" customers we get...)
Dirty look
There's this one customer I deal with almost everytime he comes in (he's even said it) and he gives me a LOT Of dirty looks and sometimes on the verge of being upset. I don't like dealing with him...There hasn't been yelling customers in a while. There have been product-throwing-customers though. They get mad and throw whatever it is back at us. THAT'S not fun. All-in-all it's goin' okay though. Oh! Our holiday bonus from the Borders Incorp. are...APPLES! Gala apples to be exact. Apparently last year it was oranges AND apples. We're all trying to figure out what we've done wrong since then...

We're doing secret santa at work too. I have this guy...and I'm gonna get him a gift certificate to one of our malls. Why you ask? BECAUSE...he buys everything he likes for himself FIRST! So...I figured this was a safe bet. I'm gonna make it all pretty and such with candy and nice wrapping. It's a shame I don't personally know his g/f or her name. She goes to CSUMB, is all I know and I've passed her once while she was walking out of the store and I was walking in.
Oh...LotR...I'm DROOLING over the LotR: Return of the King (extended edition COLLECTOR's gift set). It comes with a Minas Tirith sculpture keepsake additonal DVD entitled _Lord of the Rings Symphony_. I LOVE the soundtracks to LotR, so yeah...that's what I want...

We'll see how Christmas turns out in the money/gift certificate area. The Tuesday (14th of Dec) Foxtrot comic strip described me PERFECTLY!
Foxtrot comic strip that was me!Should all look at that.

Any ways, gotta go. Write more later!