Days till Christmas: 6
YAY! It's official...I got an A in calc I!!
Okay...Here's the ONLY really interesting, or creepy, story from work lately...
This older guy (balding, gray, thining hair, etc) comes up and wants to order a book. I'm all "okay, what book is it?" I look at him and he's just STARING at me. And it's not just a stare, it's a CREEPY close-up staring...Any ways, I didn't think much of it at first. So I find the book and, again, look-up at him and he's STILL staring at me in that SAME way. So I ask him if he's ordered anything with us before and he's says, "no," but with that SAME avid stare...I mean, I don't think he even LOOKED away from me or really thought about it when I asked him. So...I'm entering his info into the computer and glance up at him and he's CREEPING me out! I almost stuttered on something because he was unnerving me. So I give him his order confirmation and he FINALLY looks away from me. I stood there for a few and just shuddered. The guy creeped me out! One of our temp employees noticed it too. I said "ugh, creepy customer!" So, yeah, that was my most "memorable" thing for the week, so far, at least.
Oh, that and I'm beginning to know customers last names to their face...Is that scary? Plus the type of things certain customers will purchase. This one guy every week comes in and buys anywhere from $8-$16 worth of papers. There's this lady Ms. O'Hara who comes in and buys or puts on hold box sets of classic DVDs. Mr. Merle Smith is the Stephen King fanatic. Comes in once a week, REALLY (he's said it himself), and orders a bunch of books. Usually, around $100 worth. *shakes head* I tell ya, most of the "normals" know us by face! It's hard to go into the store to NOT work when there's regulars. It's HARD!
All for now!
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