Days till my 19th birthday: 9
Days till Christmas: 13
*sings* Jingle bells, Jingle bells, Jingle all the way! Christmas is COMING!! It always seems like time SLOWs down when you have two weeks before Christmas...Oh well.
Tomorrow is my LAST, I say, LAST day of school!! *jumps for joy* I should be studying, atm, but I'm taking a MUCH needed break after 30 minutes of studying...*snickers* The thing I LOVE about math is that if you keep up for the whole semester it's not hard to study than for the final because the stuff you last learned you built up the whole semester. I'm just basically reviewing so I have all the theorems correct and making sure I have various derivatives and such correct. hectic day tomorrow. Wanna hear?
10am-12pm: Calc final
12:30pm-9pm: Work
9:40pm-10pm: meeting with one of my professors (my final for that class)
So...I have to have ALL my stuff for my meeting with my professor ready to go BEFORE tomorrow (this lovely portfolio, paper, and cover letter, is what's due), or before I leave for my calc final. Isn't that fun? After tomorrow, though, I'm going to be a FREE lady and I won't care WHAT happens! A blessed 5 weeks off! Well, almost 6, actually. Whatever, I'm gonna enjoy my time off. I'm gonna practice my ASL so I can get up to speed and relax, and work.
What that, I just remembered something else I have to fix for my meeting with my professor. MUST go study some more and work on whatever else.
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