Oh my gosh...So I've been stressing out this week that I have all these projects due and I have 3 major ones due for ASL. Well, tonight we looked at the schedule and the class decided that we'd turn in our video for the book on the 17th of May (we had our discussion tonight on the book). This video we're suppose to answer 4 questions out of the 8 Mo gave us and to do a 3-5 minute signed answer for each. Then we were looking at when our final project was due, which is a reflection on the last 4 semesters of sign language and we were to pick ONE thing that stood out to us. Well, we were suppose to have them done by next Wednesday (the 3rd of May) and the following Wednesday (10th of May). We'd use both days to do the final presentations (everyone had to have it completed by the 3rd, but you could go the 10th). These presentations were suppose to be 7-10 minutes long in sign language...On top of that, we had 2 more demos due, which are anecdotes or short stories that we write ourselves following a certain list of criteria. They have to be around 3-5 minutes long (though, I don't think we pay attention to the time, only fulfilling the criteria under 5 minutes). They're also in sign language. Any ways, it was beginning to be a LOT of work and self writing and signing. So...Mo decided that we didn't have to do our 4th demo and that we'd move the final project presentations to the 8th and 10th of May. It felt SO good...Oh my gosh...I have breathing space to get things DONE. This is only his 2nd semester of teaching ASL 202, so he understood he kind of piled things up on us at the end. I'm just so thankful!
Due dates:
Demo #3: May 1st
Final project presentation: May 8th & 10th
Video: May 17th
(Of course there's our exit dialogue, that's informal, but scary none-the-less! It's sometime between the 15th-17th of May)
Lastly, I got my schedule all figured out after a load of stuff...I'm taking Media Tools, which is CST 201. It's the on-line class, which I'm taking for various reasons. The class will fulfill my art requirement, which is the cool thing.
So, while I'm talking about classes, I should mention my lovely registration issues. I submitted, I thought, my schedule for next semester to my advisor and I waited 4 days with no answer back. I was just about to email her when I was reading the "steps" on planner web and realized I didn't SUBMIT my schedule. I had only ADDED my classes. *rolls eyes* So, of course, I submitted it and within a few hours I got it approved. What a bother...All I'm waiting for now is my fee waiver to go through so I can register on Friday. I think it's so dumb that I have to have the fee waiver entered BEFORE I can register. Why does CSUMB care? Knocks them out of money if I submit it. Oh well...Also hoping my "prepayment required" notice will go away with the fee waiver entered. Lastly, I have to call MPC tomorrow (should have today, but I forgot) because I can't register on-line for my summer class! The dumb program wouldn't accept my password. So, yeah, I gotta figure out what's wrong with that. I'm going to be SO upset if that class is already full and I can't take it in the summer. Wait, I'm not thinking that. I AM going to get into geol/hydro at MPC for the summer of 2006. I WILL.
As you can see...I've been having LOADS of fun with registration...I hate it so much...
Well...I think that's all my current whoas. On to more pleasant things...
Tomorrow night is CSUMB's # annual Celebration of Community dinner. I will be attending that. It's a big formal dinner to help raise money and honor the local "leaders" in the community in various categories. It's like $175 a ticket. Since I benefit from the Local Area Scholarship that CSUMB gives out, I get to attend for free because my money partly comes from this dinner/fundraiser.
Friday I work and Sunday I have the aquarium. I seriously wasn't sure when I was going to get my ASL projects done, but now I have a little breathing room. Still going to be working my butt off, but the semester is almost over!
The Aquarium's Spring Gala (which is late by about 1 month) is coming up too! It's on May 12th. Looking forward to that. I already RSVP'd (I almost forgot!). That is definitely an event I hope to never miss at the aquarium. It is so much fun.
Well, I think that's all the news I have for now.
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