Two of the Harry Potter sites I go onto played a joke on all their users. Playing into this thing that's played out since the release of Half Blood Prince called "Memerson." They basically played it like the two webmasters got married and they merged the two sites. So the forums have been interesting because they even changed those! It's been fun, least for me, but I am having withdrawls from my Chamber 8 (to the Left) reading group! There are some serious people upset, though. I can't understand that, but oh well. The CBBC Newsround did an article and included the two sites for big April Fools Jokes.
As for the rest of my life...It's going. So glad this last week I had one of my classes cancelled all week and had Friday off. Now I need to dig in, though, and get crackin' on the homework and such. Half way done with this semester!
I have a Stat test on Monday, ASL dialogue on Monday, Bio test on Tuesday, Bio lab rough draft due Friday (LONG lab, I need to write-up and come up with a hypo...). Also my new ESSP professor starts teaching this week. I need to start working on her homework and such. That class is on Tuesdays. So I'm going to have a fun first two days of the week, as ususal.
Well, that's all for now. Write more later!
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