I got a 99% (99/100) on my bio test! I got the highest grade in the class. Kind of bummed about missing the one point, especially since it was on a question she told us to know. :- Oh well, I still got a 99!!! This should definitely bump up my Bio grade, which is at an 83% going into this 2nd test. Hopefully I'll get a B+ now (I don't know if it'll make it to an A- or not with the weights). It's so funny because our professor is "I look at you each individually and if I see your test grades go up and up then that's good." So I'm thinking, "great, that means I have to get above a 99% or higher on the final?"
I also got a 94% on my Stat test. I missed 5 points (79/84). :- At least it's still a good solid A. I got a 99% (missed 1 point) on the first test. I still have the final to get through. Other than that, I'm doing well in the class. I do have a project due, though, that is worth 20% of my whole grade. We shall see.
ASL I still have an A+ in. 10 points away from a perfect in the class (last time I saw at least, Mo's about 1.5 weeks behind on the grades). I have more demos coming up, though, so my grade should still stay in the A range, but I don't think I'll maintain an A+, but who knows! We also have two projects left for the semester. >.< They're big, so I don't hope for an A+ by the end, but definitely an A. Of course, I shall try my hardest to get the highest grade I can.
Econ I got a 91% (91/100) on the final so that gave me an A- for that class. I was excited about that! I still have to get through Judith's part, though. So far I'm doing well, but we're only 2.5 weeks into the class with her. We haven't had any quizzes, yet. Kind of worried about that. Her final I'm scared about, that's for sure! I have to memorize the Constitution (not word-for-word). I have to know the amendments and articles. I have to know what the big issue/point in each amendment and article is. I also have to be able to APPLY each article/amendment to a situation. So, yeah, I basically need to know it frontwards and backwards. I am enjoying learning about our government, though, which is good. It's really interesting with all the politics and how people get around things. Just as long as I pass the class...I'm good!
Bio lab I'm doing well in so far too.
I'm really looking forward to the end of this semester. I'm about to die from lack of sleep and everything else. Oh well, I'm doing well so far. That's the important thing! I struggled in the beginning, but I'm working my way to A's.
Next semester, I'm not sure what I'm going to take. So far it looks like I'm going to...Summer school! I'm going to take Geology/Hydrology at MPC. It's a 8am-12pm class once every Saturday for 8 weeks. The lecture is "take home" and the lab is the Saturday meeting, though we have "required" attendance 3 times or something. We also have, I think, 2 weekend fieldtrips. (No clue what that involves!) I'm planning, so far, to take Bio II and L, ESSP 300 (writing class and something else), and CST ### (I forgot the number, but it's digital art and design). I have NO clue what I'm taking for my last 4 unit class to make it 16 units next semester. I almost was going to take Physics, but Physics is the same time as my Bio class (how dumb of CSUMB). So I don't know what I'm taking. I should talk to Judith about some policy classes, but I haven't asked her yet.
So...that's about all the newest school information so far. Not much else is going on. I'm just tired. So with that, I'm going to end this! I've got homework to do (what else is new) and American Idol to watch and record at 8 pm!
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