Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Olympics, Movies, and TV

(For my 3rd attempt at writing this post without accidentally posting it before it has anything written...)

I've been really into the Olympics and I'm not normally. I've always been interested in the medal count, but I've been watching the Olympics almost every night. Unfortunately, the Olympics has to go till midnight. WHY?! I missed the Chinese pairs' free skate because it was like the last thing they were showing and I couldn't justify staying up that late when I was tired. I did force myself to stay up to watch the last American in the men's singles short program (really good!). Luckily tomorrow is a 9:30am class start (unlike my 8:30 and 8 the other days) so I stayed up to watch Shaun White's halfpipe which was AMAZING! Especially since he had already won the Gold before going into his 2nd run and he ended up improving on his 2nd run. Amazing.

Anyway, to movies!  For your consideration…


Inglorious Basterds – What to say…Other than having humor and vast amounts of blood, there’s not a whole lot to say. It’s basically about the Inglorious Basterds and their exploits. I did fall asleep through Chapters 3-4, though. The rest of it was okay.


A Serious Man – I honestly have no clue what to say about this and just go “what a typical Oscar nomination.” I’m still not sure what the movie is supposed to say or, actually, whether it even has a point at all. The beginning was odd and I thought it served a purpose to the rest of the story, but I have yet to figure out if there was even supposed to be a connection. The Jewish theme was interesting, but in a “he happened to be Jewish and live in a Jewish neighborhood” type of way. I don’t know. I feel like I need to find the Cliff's Notes version of the movie. It was basically like the worst two weeks a man can live through and it never really resolved at the end, that I could interpret at least. This movie honestly baffles me.


The Hurt Locker – I liked it. It was an interesting documentary style film, but not a documentary. There were two quick appearances by actors that were interesting and the life of the bomb squad in Iraq is not a job I want. The movie definitely let you feel the tension of going in on a potential bomb location, the adrenaline rush, the danger, and everything else. It’s definitely more of a tension movie than it is really an “action” film. Definitely more in the realms of a drama by following the team and you getting to know them and understand their job. B/B+


Time Traveler’s Wife – I knew it was going to be sad, but I still liked it. Makes me want to read the book now which I wanted to do before the movie came out, but once the movie came out I didn’t want to read it anymore. It’s probably a better chick flick type of movie and it had some interesting time things and showed the difficulties of being the time traveler’s wife. I’d give it a B. Pretty average in the ways of films. Nothing spectacular, but not shabby either.


Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief – This movie had high expectations from me because I love the book series (it’s a fantastic series and I’d recommend to anyone) and Chris Columbus directed the first two Harry Potter films. Percy Jackson is a series that Harry Potter fans will like so it seemed almost fitting Columbus would direct it. The books are infinitely better than the movie because of some things they “sped-up” for the movie (characters in love/hate relationships get out of hate much quicker, missing the whole prophecy thing, and the “villain” gets named too quickly compared to the books IMO) and they changed minor plot points I thought were important to setting up some of the situations later on, but it was a good movie adaptation overall. I do feel like the characters weren't developed well in the film (part of the "rush" feeling) or the "world." It just leaves me with a slight "wanting" feeling, but I still like it. I'd give it a B. 

Future hopeful: The Last Airbender. I'm loving the Last Airbender trailer that came out for the Superbowl. I just hope the humor that is in the TV show and makes it so endearing, charming, and fun is still in the movie. I also found out the movie is based only on the first "book" of the TV series (makes sense). So hopefully this one will be good and the other 2 will be made. 

TV Shows:

1) Lost -- Gah. That show is like one mind boggling "what in the world?" show! I won't say anything more in case I'll spoil anyone, but it's addicting! Kind of sad it's ending, but also kind of glad it is too. 

2) Caprica -- Makes me want to go back and watch Battlestar Galactica. I'm enjoying the "50+ year prequel" on a world we already know about. I find it just as good quality as BSG, but it is completely different than BSG. 

3) Project Runway -- SOOOO glad it's back in NYC! It did NOT feel right being in LA and having the judges there and gone a lot. It's an interesting group so far. Haven't picked out any favorites, yet.

4) Numb3rs -- It may be coming to an end quite soon. I think it has two episodes left and it's the end of the season. :( I'm going to miss the show, but what are you going to do?

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