Thursday, February 18, 2010

Pregnant Shrimp

My ghost shrimp is pregnant with eggs! I'm not sure if I've mentioned my fish tank or not, but I have a 6gal fish tank in my room and I have 3 glolite tetras, 3 ghost shrimp, and 1 suckerfish. You can see photos here.

Anyway, my shrimps have been hanging out in the corners a lot lately and I knew one of my shrimp was a female, but today I noticed she had something gray-greenish underneath her tail area. I looked closely and realized it was eggs!

I went through "no, no, no! I can't have a pregnant shrimp! What am I going to do?!" Then reality sunk in because, let's face it, the babies are going to a) die, b) get eaten by my fish, or c) get sucked into the filter and die. I also found out after furiously checking websites after I figured out my shrimp had eggs was that the food the babies would need to survive is basically particulate matter and my tank just won't have small enough food for them to eat. So...once they hatch they'll hang out on the mom and die over time. So...after reality sunk in, I'm going through the "show off" phase now. It'd be nice to try and raise a few and give them to the pet store, but it's just going to be impossible. I might ask anyway. I have no clue how long the gestation period is, though. Nor do I even know exactly when the eggs were produced (I don't think I remember seeing them yesterday?). She's massive, though. I am hoping I only have 1 female and that the other "larger" one isn't a female too. We'll see, though. There's an obvious size difference between the three. Anyway, here are photos of my pregnant shrimp.

It's been fun watching her aerate the eggs. Well, I guess it's more like water circulation than air. It's also funny to watch her try and swim. I'm amazed she can get onto the plants because the eggs are on her "swimmers" (paddle like appendages underneath the tail to allow them to swim) so it's pretty hard for her. I've been enjoying my tank a lot (nice thing to zone out on), but this brings it all to a new height!

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