Monday, February 22, 2010


So I finally heard back from COMPASS. I e-mailed my contact again this morning and she responded this afternoon. It looks like they might be moving their office to the Bay Area, which would make my opportunities of interning with them not happen. (Moving to the Bay Area for the summer? No thanks.) That would be a bummer, especially since she informed me she has a budget for an intern! Gah...I hate to say it, but I hope she doesn't move her office to the Bay Area! She's going to get back to be on logistics, moving, etc mid- to late March. *fingers crossed*

I've still only heard about the Seafood Watch intern at the aquarium and I just don't think the Seafood Watch intern is the best fit for me. I really believe the CFFO would be much better for me. I'm thinking of applying just to apply (application is due next Monday -- eck!), but I'm not jazzed about it at all. Especially since I need 3 letters of recommendation, my transcripts, cover letter, and resume. The latter things are fine, but THREE letters of recommendation? *groans* I don't know any of my professors to go up to them and feel comfortable asking for a letter of recommendation. I know they do it all the time, but it's awkward. I could just be cheap and get 2 undergrad and 1 grad. I would at least get Judy, so now I just have to figure out who the other people would be. Also, I need to really get myself excited for the internship or my application is not going to get completed in time at all. Maybe I just won't apply...*sigh* I don't know what to do!


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