Thursday, July 24, 2008

Check-up at Doc's

All is good with my tonsils! I'm healing as I'm supposed to. Always good to hear. I'm taking this Sat off from work, though, as I can only speak at about 50% still. I still have pain in my left side (about 70% better?) and it still hurts and bothers my ears when I swallow hot or cold things. Popsicles don't seem to be a problem though. I'm finding drinking to be a bit harder than chewing, funny enough. I think it has some to do with tilting your head back to swallow. I seem to do okay with straws. *shrugs* I still tire after being out for a while, but I'm getting there. I don't find the need to nap as much as I did before.

I ordered a Stephenie Meyer Breaking Dawn Concert t-shirt on-line today. Hopefully it'll be here before next Friday so I can wear it to the Breaking Dawn book release! I'm going to the concert in Chicago, so I'll just have my shirt early! :) Now let's hope it fits...LoL

I found out the other day that Level Two (a Harry Potter conference) that was going to be in San Jose in July 2009 is now going to be in San Francisco and it's called Azkatraz! Azkatraz being a combo of Azkaban (the wizard prison in Harry Potter) and Alcatraz. I think the name and the location is MUCH better. The name fits the theme better too. We'll see if I'll be able to go or not. It depends on grad schools and also whether I go to LeakyCon or not. LeakyCon is The Leaky Cauldron's conference they're doing in Boston in May 2009. As a staff member, it'd totally rock to go to LeakyCon, but Azkatraz would be a lot cheaper since I won't have to do a plane ticket. So...we'll see. If I end up going to Columbia I won't be able to go to Azkatraz anyway as I'll be in school by then. LeakyCon is during Memorial weekend, so probably the weekend before I start at Columbia. I probably won't go to LeakyCon even then. We'll see, though!

I finished Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. I devoured the books is the better term. I absolutely loved the books in the series so far. I can't wait till the last one comes out next year! I simply loved the ingenuity of mixing the Greek Mythology into the series. It was fresh and clever. It also gave a nice fresh spin to those old Greek Myths we all know. My next series I'm reading is James Patterson's Maximum Ride series. It's a step-up from Riordan's series (that's how Chris terms it), which is independent reader (IR). Maximum Ride is in the young adult (YA) section and it's fiction, but has a slight sci-fi feeling to it. Riordan's was definitely fantasy. I'm not too far into the series, but I'm liking it so far. There's 6 kids who have been subjected to scientific experiments where they have avian genes grafted onto their human genes and they have wings. So it's the story about how they escape from the "Erasers" (half man, half wolf) and try and figure out why they were made and everything. The only thing I'm not liking about the series is the fact the chapters are like 5 pages long! There's 133 chapters in this book! We'll see how it goes as I get more into the book, though.

Anyway, with that, I'm off to finish my Contest work and sleep!

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