Wednesday, December 31, 2003

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! 2004! I graduate soon!!

Oh...for Christmas what I got...? I got a digi camera, two dvds, beaded bamboo curtain with dolphins on it....whale slippers... (they're cool)....and some other stuff.

Wednesday, December 24, 2003

Top Ten Ways to get a headache on IRC:

1. Trying to talk and understand logic with zell.

Isn't that great?! Only on-line people that know Zell will get this, but that is the greatest thing I've heard all month, it has to be. That is DEFINITELY the #1 way to get a headache on IRC...who know Zell...that is just great... Thanks SE! directing the kids in that song, "Do you hear what I hear?" went well. The song was performed all in sign language, and them being kids, it was cute! They weren't very much insync with each other, but it was good.

Tuesday, December 23, 2003

I fixed the link below...I didn't check it yesterday, so it wasn't working! But here is a WORKING link!

Recent Earthquake Link

Monday, December 22, 2003

Recent Earthquake Link

That webpage shows the earthquake and such. Unfortunately there's been so many aftershocks that they only show the 30 most recent ones. The biggest was 6.5. The red are the ones 3+ I think...Any ways, look at that big square!
We had a 6.5 earthquake here today! Two people died too because a building collapsed. The center of the earthquake was about 2 hours south of me on the COAST! Which is really odd...It was really weird to feel. It was a rolling earthquake so it wasn't really rough or anything where I am. I was in the shower when it hit too...I thought I was just really hungry and the world was tipping on me...

Sunday, December 21, 2003

*thinks* Btw, I don't feel any older...
0 days till my birthday
4 days till Christmas

It's my 18th Birthday today! I'm legal! Yesterday was a lot of fun with my friends and all. We were the FIRST in line for LotR: The Return of the King. Isn't that COOL?! Okay, so we're dorks, what can we say? We had GREAT seats though, better than the year before! This morning I was kidnapped by my OWN family! 6am! They woke me up and sang Happy Birthday and my first thought was, "WHY are they singing to me THIS early?! Couldn't they have done it last night at midnight?!" Then I realized they were all fully dressed...they dragged me out of bed and made me go to Denny's at 6am in my pjs! So yeah, that was my experience for the morning... I came home from church and preceded to sleep for almost 7 hours...LoL.. From around 11:30am-6pm. I slept the whole morning away...Oh yeah, they blind-folded me too! I do believe that is everything for now.

Friday, December 19, 2003

2 days till my 18th birthday
6 days till Christmas

I'M FINISHED!! I got a B in English, A+ in Civics, A in math, A in physics, A in TA. That equals a 4.2 GPA! That means...I made my goal of a 4.2 GPA and I'm in CSF! I got some cool early Christmas gifts from my friends and I had a LOT of fun today at a going away party for my friend Daniel who is moving back to Brazil. It's sad. But...What can we say? :- Oh well, at least with e-mail and all we can all keep in contact.

I get to see Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King tomorrow! I'm celebrating my birthday a day early since my birthday is on a Sunday and all. So...I'm having people come over tomorrow and such. It'll be fun!

That is all for now!

Wednesday, December 17, 2003

Oh yeah...I got to see some LIVE Humbolt Squid at the aquarium behind-the-scenes. I just walked to where it was on my own. They were COOL! They're about 3' long and swimming around. It was cool...highlight of my day!
I got an 180/200 on my math final, which is good! I got an A in the class, technically I had to get a 125 or lower to lose my A, but that's besides the point... far I have an A+ in Civics, an A in math, and an A in the class I TA for. I don't know about English and Physics yet. I'll find those out on Friday. I have all my friend Christmas shopping finished. I just need to finish most of the family now. I'll get that done, sometime... I'm also going to be WAY partied (sp? partyed?) out too...Thursday I have to go to something....Friday going out with a friend, Saturday is my birthday party, Sunday, is a pretty 'lax day, party wise, Monday, something is happening, Tuesday is my dad's birthday, Wednesday is Christmas Eve and all that ritual and I'm directing some kids in signing a song, Thursday is Christmas, Friday & Saturday, nothing so far, Sunday after my shift at the aquarium they're having a pizza party (I'm not sure why, yet...), and the 29th the IP department at the aquarium is having an "alumni student guide" party... Then it's the 30th, and then...New Year's Eve! So...yeah... It's all good though! Nice break from school and such. Any ways, all for now!

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

5 more days till my birthday!

LOTR comes out tomorrow! My English final was a joke...I think I did bad though... I just HAVE to get at least a B in her class though! Any ways, got my ASL final and my math and physics final still. ASL tonight, but math and physics tomorrow. All for now!

Monday, December 15, 2003

6 more days till my 18th birthday!

2 more days of school, for me

10 days till Christmas

YAY! School's almost done! I have an English final and my ASL final tomorrow. I have math and physics on Wednesday. I don't need to come into school on Thursday and Friday, coming in to get my grades and then going out to brunch with a bunch of friends to do a surprise going away party for our friend, Daniel. He's going back to Brazil on Sat, the 20th. Nothing really new for me. *shrugs* I haven't done any of my Christmas shopping, yet. Going to try and tackle most of my shopping on Thursday and this weekend.

I'm going to be directing a bunch of kids on Christmas Eve in a song that they're going to be signing. I some how became the director...*shrugs* It'll be cool though.

I'm glad there's no ROV tonight. Tomorrow I have my ASL final before the day of my two hardest finals, but I DO get out at noon all days this week with finals and such. *shrugs* I also have a 109% in Civics too! I don't have to take that final, which is nice. I'm staying in Civics to force myself to study for ASL in there, and also math and physics, if I want to there. Though, I may end up sleeping, LoL. I'll probably study for ASL.

Over the break I have to work on the DC trip powerpoint research stuff, my internship project and journal. I'm gonna try to go in a few times during break because I can put in a full long day which would help. I have about 22 hours or something. I don't remember. I think that's all the homework I have to do over the break though. It's nice!

Well, all for now!

Tuesday, December 9, 2003

12 days till my 18th birthday

News: I'm going to Washington DC the 13th-18th! The conference is the 14th-16th. Day of travel, day of doing whatever we want, day of travel. It's gonna be COLD in DC, but oh well.

Internship: It's going good. Slowly I'm gaining hours, but it's goin' at least!

Petsitting: Woohoo! I've got at least one house to do this Christmas. Might be two, the more the merrier (more money for me, I'm a bit LOW on cash).

Beading work: It's comin'. I seem to keep buying new beads a lot lately... I still have one more commission to finish and a pair of ear rings to do. I've finished the other two commissions though

School: Finals are a week from today. I've got only 3 finals so it's all good. Tuesday: English & Civics (I don't have to take the Civics final, I have a 110% in the class and if you have over a 90% you dun have to take the final), Wednesday: Math & Physics (my hardest day of finals...*cringes* I do only need a 125/200 on the math final to KEEP my A in the class, Physics...what I get on the final will determine my grade. B on final = B in class, A on final = A in class, thats how borderline I am), Thursday: TA & Nothing (talk about no finals that day! )

Aquarium: Going to the information meeting to do the guide class tomorrow night. I also found a sub so I don't have to go in this Sunday because of finals and my Mondays are so packed and such.

American Sign Language (ASL) Class: It's goin' good. Taking my lab final this Thursday (we get videoed on how we sign). Our written final is on Tuesday (same day I start finals at school). Then...NO MORE ASL! Which is sad and good. I won't see my classmates anymore, but I'll be glad to have Tues & Thurs evenings open for most of Jan before I start the Aquarium class on Tuesday nights Jan 20th.

MISC: I messed my back up! But it's all good... I'm fallin' apart and I'm not even 18 yet!

All for now!

Tuesday, December 2, 2003

19 days till my birthday

Dudes...I woke up at 4:30am this morning to go to San Jose to see the California State Supreme Court at work. I got home around 2:50pmish. Then I skipped class because I'm not feeling well again and I was dead tired. It was a fun experience though! I MIGHT be in the San Francisco Chronicle too, not sure, we'll see. I was interviewed though. *shrugs* I'm still really busy, tonight (since I didn't go to class) I actually had a fairly long evening! ;-P Any ways, I'll update again some other time this week..