Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Human decency?

Working at any job will have you come face-to-face with difficult people. Most times you bite your lip, hold your attitude, and bear it through as best you can while trying to make the person as happy as possible. Sometimes these "difficult people" come in at bad moments for yourself and are simply high maintenance and require a lot energy to handle (e.g., people who want 2 items in this bag, 3 in this bag, and make sure you double-bag one of the bags). Occasionally, you have a person who doesn't speak English as his/her first language and you have a language barrier and they become difficult because they don't understand. Other times, they generally are difficult to work with and you can't please them no matter what you do (e.g., people who want said items to be bagged in such a way, but you don't do it correctly so they want you to do it again). And then, from time to time, they are sour-minded people who find the world is out to get them and, thus, must treat everyone in a negative manner to make themselves feel better or, in general, they just are rude and intolerable with a chip on their shoulder and feel like they can treat you badly for whatever reason. I'm sure there are more types of difficult people, but mine generally come down to the aforementioned four: 1) I'm tired, 2) language barrier, 3) they're simply picky, or 4) they have a serious attitude issue no matter what.

My questions, though, are why is it that difficult people are the ones who get to act out and get away with it? Why is it deemed "not okay" to be difficult, rude, obnoxious, etc, but we as a society still tip-toe around these people? Why can't we just hit them upside the head and tell them to snap out of it and stop being rude? Why is it when someone sees a portion of a moment with the difficult person (especially if it happens often) does it make you seem like the bad person when you look like you're running out of patience?

I suppose all the answers really come down to confrontation (re: don't like it) and tolerance (re: being the bigger person or accepting it), but they're still fair questions. Why can't I tell a customer to exit the premises without helping them if they're being difficult beyond the realm of tolerance? Okay, so everyone's tolerance levels are different and what is deemed "difficult" is different than someone else's, but, you know, there is a general "level" that most people can agree to. Honestly, where has human decency gone?

I suppose the question to that is: Has there ever been a moment we can say human decency existed on a general level? We as a society do change (e.g., perception of women and African-Americans) and hindsight is 20-20, but you wish there's at least a general level that we can be civil to each other. Unfortunately, apparently that doesn't really exist on a macro-level. Sure, maybe on a micro-level (i.e., person-to-person) it does exist. I'm courteous to my neighbors. I'm helpful to the elderly on the street. Yet, when it comes down to it, how often does it crop up that we question human decency?

This is all mostly just rhetorical thoughts bouncing around my head and you're probably wondering where this all came from. Let's just say that I have had a very (make that a double-underline) trying week (thank goodness tomorrow is my Friday!). What's happening to the world?!

Twice in the last couple of weeks we've had customers come in with a chip on their shoulder from the get-go (difficult person #4 in my earlier list). One lady, for no apparent reason, was really rude to a co-worker (no fault of the co-workers). On top of it, she was a really picky person (difficult person #3). I had to deal with her later and you couldn't even make small talk without her trying to chew my head off and then bagging was difficult nonstop (one in each bag, tie the bag - no, wait, I want to tie it myself - place them gently in the bigger bag, etc). I at least had a heads up about her so I was trying to play it down, but I guess she had a little bit of a cussing episode before I got to her. Then, today, Oh.My.Gosh. The guy threatened a co-worker bodily harm (BEYOND the "normal" realms of difficult person #4)! Who does that?! All over a $20 return! He came in fuming too. The manager got it calmed down (did the return, despite our policy) and then the situation was blown up again. It was like verbal abuse the names he called my co-worker (not the manager) and then threatened us. Yeah, not cool. I hope he never comes back and what are we supposed to do? Act cool and get him out of the store as quickly as possible, while the rest of the shoppers are fidgeting (practically) because of the confrontation (who wants to shop with a guy like that in-store?!). Goodness. Human decency, people, HUMAN DECENCY.

And our favorite difficult person #2 who has been coming in each and every day for the last 1.5 weeks or so. We're pretty much all convinced that she DOES understand English, but plays dumb to try and get us to work around her (to be fair, I KNOW she understood me MUCH better several months ago). At first, we were all nice (she used to come in every few weeks before the recent everyday situation) and she'd come in with her daughter or husband and it wasn't too bad. Lately, it's been bad and VERY bad. Bad to the point of making customers uncomfortable because we sound like we're being mean and/or rude to this older lady who (to them) doesn't understand English. We're not being mean. We're not being rude. Yes, we're being firm with her over our store policies, but it's because she's taken advantage of us enough the past week and we're tired of dealing with it (not to mention we have very long conversations over the same thing everyday...). We've even had customers (a regular) get herself involved because she thought she could help. Yeah, it doesn't. We all basically want to run away when we see her come in, it's that bad. One day she wouldn't leave after I said "no" to her a bazillion times and we threatened to call the cops if she didn't take "no" for an answer and leave (she knows what "no" means for sure and suddenly understood what "calling the cops" meant too). Funny enough, the next customers to come up made a joke of it (it made us all laugh) and they asked how often she came in so they understood why we weren't being nicer or more lenient, but most people don't know the situation. So, in a lot of eyes, I feel like we're seen as the mean guys because we're holding to our policies because this lady keeps taking advantage of us. We're a charity, people, we're nice, but you can't try and take advantage of us everyday and get away with it! Where's the human decency in this situation?!

Truly, no one likes difficult people. I get that. I get that they exist in the world too, but WHY do they need to come around me?! *sigh* As I said, it's been a rough week with difficult people (especially our favorite customer who doesn't speak English...). Ironically enough, I was dealing with the lady who doesn't speak English (another round (after my earlier round) of explaining the same thing that we explain everyday...) and had to go up to the register with her when the whole ordeal of the beyond difficult guy was happening. So the manager and assistant manager were BOTH busy with difficult people, albeit totally different levels. In addition, I had a customer waiting for me to help her, furniture arrived, etc. It was a crazy half hour. After both difficult people left, we had a customer standing in line after the whole thing and I apologized to her profusely and rang her up. Luckily, she was a really nice lady and we actually started talking about Borders,

I feel so embarrassed to have people like that in-store. It's like you want to tell every customer in-store during the situation that you really are nice people, there aren't these difficult people in-store, generally, and your shopping experience will usually be pleasant! I think the stigma with Goodwill also doesn't help the situation either. Being at a place like Goodwill means people are friendly to you (it's like a neighborhood establishment/family feel with the regulars compared to Borders when you felt all stiff even if they were regulars), but it also means people can think of your store as being "cheap" or "dirty" or has "crazy people" frequent it (won't deny the crazy people, but Borders had crazy people too!). So, yeah.

Difficult people? By far. Human decency? Not so much from them. I'm just glad my week is almost finished. I'm not sure I can take anymore difficult people and the odds of our favorite non-English speaker coming in tomorrow is quite high. Hopefully it's just her and no one else...

In another line of human decency, today I saw a dog get picked up by animal control. It broke my heart. The dog was so friendly that the initial cop on the scene (there were 2 and they were arresting some guy - not sure if the dog was his or not) walked up to it and the dog immediately wanted to be petted and then wanted to play. It was funny because the dog had a crazy minute of running around a nearby tree. I have no clue what led it on, but it was funny. The dog was so happy and really pretty (Shepard-collie mix maybe?). Apparently, it was initially tied up to the tree it was running around because the animal control person (after putting a noose-like leash on the dog) went back and dug around and came up with what looked like a leash (as the cop had the dog). I hope someone didn't tie the dog up and leave it there. I (mostly) hope that the guy who got arrested owned the dog just because at least the dog wasn't abandoned on purpose...It might have been the case too because the animal control person went and talked to the guy through the window of the cop car afterwards. The guy didn't look seriously in trouble, but they did pat him down, cuff him, and went through his belongings and then some other cop showed up in a "community services" truck. No clue. It was weird, but I hope the dog is okay.

With that...

[/rant] ;)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

October is Halloween!

It took a few days (okay, it took a week), but I'm FINALLY into the Halloween spirit! Which is good since work is in FULL swing...I haven't thought this much about Halloween costumes and/or clothes since I was 16, probably (whenever my last trick-or-treat was...). It's really crazy to think about, especially since work wants us to be in some sort of little costume everyday. I'm rotating my hats, which get varying degrees of love or looks. One older man made a rude comment about my hat and then, ironically, 20 minutes later, the next comment on my hat was a compliment from an older guy. Figures! Can't please them all, but people typically like our little costumes. I have lowered my costume standards to 3 days of the week, though. Basically, it's the 3 days of potential walk-thrus by our regional boss and one of the criteria for the walk-thrus in Oct is whether employees are in costume. :P I don't think I'll fully dress-up, unless I can think of something easy to work in, but the hats are at least Halloween-y.

At any rate, I'm determined now to have some sort of Halloween-y nail polish on all month. I don't know if I've got enough to do it, but mixed in with some nail art, I should be able to get to the end of the month! It doesn't help that I blew through 3 polishes in the first week...Wasn't loving the application and was trying a new base method (Elmer's glue!), which all resulted in a lot of nail polish changes. I'm sure I can make the latter half of the  month! I didn't go *that* crazy over Halloween polishes, but I know I'm going to have trouble with the fall/winter/Christmas polishes...I'm really into browns lately (bad for fall colors!) and I'm gonna LOVE the Christmas and winter polishes (I want a red and white one that's supposed to be like holly; I want another one that's like snow; another one that's like ice/snow; one with stars; etc...Yeah, I've got an approaching problem...!). So, we'll see.

Anyway, Halloween manis haven't been anything really special, so I'll probably post pictures later if I do anything actually artsy...?

I found out tonight while watching Madagascar 3 that How to Train Your Dragon has a live performance! It's coming to San Jose the end of December (26-30). I want to go!! (Statement deserved two exclamation points!) It's one of my new favorite movies (I can't tell you how many times I've watched it or listened to the soundtrack, but it's been a LOT since it's come out on DVD). Based on reviews, it's not a theater performance, it's an arena performance so the actors are hard to see, but the dragons are supposed to be really cool looking (walk, breathe smoke, etc). It look pretty cool, which you can see some clips and photos on their webpage here. Tickets can get REALLY expensive if you buy the upgrades, but cheapos are a little less than $50 (including fees). That's not *too* bad. Now to find someone to go with me! Any takers? :P

With that...Moving on to movies.

Taken 2 (Liam Neeson) - Well, I can't say it was terrible, but I also can't say it was great either. It was SPOT ON to what I expected it to be: Great action scenes that comprise of most of the movie and the story will suffer for it. Yup, that's exactly what happened. Did I feel like I wasted my money seeing it in theater? No, but it's definitely not something most people need to see in theater and I would generally say people shouldn't see it in theater. Sure, the action scenes were pretty amazing and there's a great hand-to-hand combat scene, but the story was just laughable. I will say, there's one thing I took away from the movie: If you don't want to drive, learn to shoot. There's a semi-comical moment between him and his daughter about the driving vs the shooting. I will say that the end of the movie does lend itself to a possible 3rd one and I DEARLY hope that there is NOT a 3rd one. I mean, really, who's left to kidnap? His friend Sam? Possible (he did make a short appearance in the 2nd one), but I hope not. As much as I loved the first one (watch it about twice a year, if not more), just because the first one was good doesn't mean you have to make a second one. Grade: C

Dark Shadows (Johnny Depp, Michelle Pfeiffer, Eva Green) - I don't know anything about the TV show, but I was curious about the movie. It's okay. It's definitely got Tim Burton's mark on the film. The basic premise of the entire thing is that family is the important thing in life (from start to finish). Other than that, there's Green's character who feels slighted by Depp's character, keeps trying to get him to love her, keeps trying to kill off the girls he loves, and, lastly, destroy the family's good name. Yeah, that was pretty much it. Not my favorite Depp film. I mean, yes, Burton makes some odd films, but the story in this lacked or something. Grade: C-

The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (Judi Dench, Maggie Smith, Bill Nighy, etc) - I really enjoyed the film. Sure, the story isn't anything special or new, but how can you not enjoy a film with some of England's finest actors? It's a story about where they all are in their later-in-years life and how going to India and the Marigold Hotel change their lives after the almost 2 months most of them stay. It's also about not giving up on life and what it still has to offer you. I liked all their stories and how they intertwined them and also separated them. There are some characters more likeable than others (e.g., Penelope Wilton (who plays Isobel Crawley on Downton Abbey) plays a character who is not warm-and-fuzzy), but it was a good movie. I liked its generally gentle pace, its laughs here-and-there, and its well-acted characters. Grade: B/B+

Madagascar 3 - I don't think I watched Madagascar 2...If I did, it obviously didn't leave an impression on me at all. To say the least, I just watched it to watch it. It's cute. It's a Madagascar film. This time they're (still) trying to get back to New York and the zoo. They manage to get to Europe, but end up having an animal control person from France after them. To escape, they hitch a ride with a circus and try and get the circus signed for a tour in the U.S. They have to keep moving because the French lady is after them and always close on their tails. It's cute and the circus scene was fun. Not a whole lot to say really other than it was okay. Grade: B

With those...I am up to 76 movies this year! I will definitely watch over 80 movies this year. In theaters alone, I've got 3 or 4 more to watch. Rentals, maybe half a dozen (give or take my random ones!). So...Maybe I can do 90...I don't know. That seems like an awful lot! We'll see, though. :)

With that...Time to change the mani. This one is holding up well, but I'm tired of it.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Movie: 5-Year Engagement

Before my movie update, which is a little premature since I'm seeing Taken 2 tomorrow afternoon, life update.

Got my first peer review response back for my paper for the Aquarium. I've been torn the last week or 2 over whether I wanted a lot of information/help back or want them to side with my findings (mostly, lack of data). On the one hand, you want more information because you want more information, but that can also look like I didn't do my due diligence and was a sloppy researcher. Granted, it's nearly impossible to exhaust all sources of information, especially when I've got a language barrier, but you don't want to feel like you missed some obvious stuff! So, on the other hand, I want them to side with me because then it looks like my struggles and paper looks like I DID do my due diligence and I'm, basically, validated in my findings, but that's also kind of a bummer because you want more information! What a conundrum...My first response has been in agreement with me so that felt good. I feel like even if the others are like, "She missed this and this paper and why is this this way?" at least I had that one that was in agreement with me. I guess a balance of reviews would be nice in that regard. So, I feel somewhat good today. Still waiting for other responses, but at least one is out of the way and I can relax tonight (my Friday!).

Today, at work was absolutely exhausting. I actually took (if I was lucky) a 10 minute lunch (normally ours are half-hours) and skipped my last break. Skipping one break a day isn't that unusual (I've done it before, I'm the worst of everyone about that), but I usually, at least, take my full half-hour lunch! It was just crazy...I was running all over the place. I rarely had a minute where I was just standing around doing nothing. If it wasn't a store credit, it was paint being spilled on our floor (once again, I am thankful we don't have carpet...though, I admitted that I probably cleaned the store's floor more often than my own, which...what does that say about me and my housekeeping? LoL), or someone needing help with furniture, or furniture coming in, or whatever. It was just nuts. We also hired a new person this week and our new Lead is still learning how to do store credits and things like that so I was training and juggling things. I didn't even think to do inventory today, which is done on Thursdays. It totally escaped my mind it was so nuts for me. I can't even say that the store itself was busy and business was crazy. It was just all the people and things that came up that were nuts. It doesn't help when you have 2 regular high-maintenance customers that come in and monopolize quite a bit of my time. I at least knew their situations, which makes a world of difference, but it was still time consuming. I'm just glad work is over and it's my Friday! I NEED the weekend to recover from today!

In other stuff, not a whole lot is going on. I haven't done my nails since the last time. I can't wait till my right index nail grows out, though. Ugh. Thankfully my nails grow really fast, but still!

It's been a crazy TV watching week with Sunday and Monday such heavy days for me. Six shows on Sunday is a little crazy...Normally Sundays were kind of slow for me, but now it's my biggest day and Monday has 4! Thankfully, Tuesday has no shows...Course, Sundays I track 7 (Dexter is the 7th), but since I'm 2 seasons behind in Dexter, I need to catch up at some point. Monday's 4th show is Revolution, but I think I'm going to drop it. I don't seem to really want to watch the 2nd episode. I did like 666 Park Avenue, but it is a horror/drama and it was a little scary (says the person who does NOT like ANYTHING remotely scary). So we'll see how long I can keep with it, but it does grab you fairly early. It'll be a good show, if nothing else, to talk with my co-workers about. Elementary wasn't too bad, but it might be a little early to tell. So, if you take out Revolution and Dexter, I'm watching 18 shows a week...Project Runway ends soon and I'm not sure about Arrow. So, I could be at 16 or 17 shows soon. There's also Nashville to try out, which isn't included in the count! You realize 18 shows at about 45 minutes each is 13.5 hours of TV a week? Huh. Wonder what that says about me...

Anyway, on to the Five-Year Engagement with Jason Segal and Emily Blunt. Honestly, this movie felt like I spent 5 years watching it. I was expecting a comedy or rom-com and it was more of a dramedy (drama-comedy) and, I'm sorry, but it was a failed attempt. It was funny where it was meant to be funny, but, other than that, there weren't many laughs and the drama was REAL drama. Oh man...There were moments I just wanted to slap them to tell them to wake up or something! It was also 2 hours long and it was a LONG 2 hours to watch...There was abundant cussing and it made me laugh because even Chris goes, "Wow, there's a lot of cussing. I don't think you should be listening to this!" (I don't cuss, so lots of cussing around me becomes really apparent to people who know me.) It wasn't like every line or even most of the movie, but there were a few scenes (especially the times when they argue) that it's heavy cussing. Perhaps the funniest thing was when Blunt's character got shot in the knee with an arrow by their about 5-year-old niece. It was only funny because of Skyrim and the "took an arrow to the knee" jokes ("I used to be "blank," until I took an arrow in the knee"). I guess the whole principle with the movie is that couples will always have their disagreements and compromises, but as long as you are willing to work through them, you can make it as a couple? I don't know. I don't recommend it. Grade: D

Tomorrow I'm seeing Taken 2 and I'm excited to see it, but also don't have my hopes set high for the movie either. I'm sure it'll be a good action film, but don't expect much else. I am excited for The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel coming out on RedBox in 1.5 weeks. I really want to see that. Not a whole left in the year to watch in theaters...There's maybe Breaking Dawn, Part II and for sure Hobbit and Les Mis. I guess that's better for the wallet! DVD rentals, there's a few. Since RedBox is on a delay, it's a little confusing when I will be able to access some movies. So we'll see!

With that...I'm trying to catch up with Burn Notice. I've got 6 more episodes to catch up! Not to mention I might paint my nails tonight (if I don't fall asleep...).