Thursday, June 24, 2004

Well...You're getting an update in a week...

Sorry to all those on-line -- that I haven't been around lately. I've just been way too busy. I'm mentoring for the Student Guide training class and the days just take a lot out of me. It's not like a job, perse, where you sit around, do office work, etc. I have to sit or talk to the kids about various things, or listen to a bunch of lectures and I have to maintain a happy persona, be lively, and be active. I have to be a GOOD role model ALL day for 8 hours! It just takes a lot out of you! You don't want to fall asleep or something, that can make the kids not want to do the program anymore, and etc. It's fun though! It's fun seeing the kids and see them "bloom" over the week. I'm having fun watching them.

Other than that, though, there's not much else going on. I STILL haven't registered at CSUMB, yet. I gotta do that or I may run into some problems. *shrugs* We'll see...I haven't found a job, yet, either. I hope to work hard at getting a job after Colin comes. I guess there's really not much else to say. I'll write more later!

Sunday, June 20, 2004

Oh!! I almost forgot...

July 17th...The Kentucky Horse Park is having a "Secretariatfest" and I REALLY wanna go... Secretariat is my favorite race horse of all time.

Here's the link about the two-day event.

Hrm....Okay, now why does some computers show my background and others don't? I just don't get it...the computer I'm on now doesn't show my background...*shakes head* But...oh well, I don't know.

Tomorrow starts the Student Guide Training at the Aquarium. Lasts all week and I'm there from 8:15am-3pm. It'll be a lot of fun! I always had fun mentoring with the new students and such. I'm technically not a student anymore, but oh well... Such is life.

I still haven't done my college schedule, yet, so I'm still school less...It's kind of weird to think that I'm going to college next year. I remember the first day of 3rd grade when I moved to Monterey...2nd semester at Marshall Elementary. I remember the first day in middle school (6th grade) at Los Arboles going into Mrs. Bushey's core class. Also the first day of high school and getting lost (I didn't know the school was in hallways!) and some Senior asked if I was lost... Yeah, that taught me to not miss out on orientations or campus tours or something, then again...I haven't taken one of CSUMB, but I guess I don't need one as badly as I did for Monterey. *shrugs*

Not much has gone on for me this last week. I sat around doing basically nothing... I did stain my hope chest from my grandparents. I did two coats so far and my mom is probably going to do the 3rd. It looks pretty nice right now though. I just need to find some cedar now to fit along the walls. There's cedar at the bottom, but none on the sides.

After Colin leaves, also, I'm going to try and look for a job. I think I'll be completely over my not-wanting-to-do-anything mood by then. I'm already wanting to do something more, but I am tomorrow!

I guess there's not much else to say or do so I'll end this now. Hope everyone is doing well!


Monday, June 14, 2004

Dang...haven't updated in a while!

Graduation went very well! It was 1:30hrs long, which is good since almost 150 students graduated. Our speaker was a 100-year-old man! He was cool. I got loads of nice graduation gifts too! I got a 3-piece luggage set from my grandparents, which I needed, I got $360, and a bunch of other really thoughtful gifts. Sober grad night was fun. Played 21 and a bunch of other stuff to earn money to go buy raffle tickets and such. I won $50 and a free Jamba Juice. My friend won a small TV w/ DVD player! It was fun seeing all my friends again. There were quite a few drunk people too, but *shrugs* They weren't that bad, just a bit loud at times.

I've been enjoying a bit of leisure time since then. Been laying in bed till 1-2pm, etc. It's been nice. Next week I start up having solid stuff to do though. I have student guide training then and such. I've barelly got anything accomplished that I wanted to get done too. I guess things have a been a bit slow...I gotta get the gears goin' though! Or my summer will pass and what will I get done? NOTHING and that's not satisfactory to me...

I got a 4.0 Cum GPA too. I got my report card on Sat and I got a 4.33 GPA for 2nd semester. I think I did fairly well in HS. I haven't registered at CSUMB, yet, and that makes me officially school-less! There really hasn't been much else goin' on, so I'll make this a short entry.


Thursday, June 3, 2004

Well then...I got my yearbook and panoramic picture today! Not much has been going on. Been cleaning the house pretty thoroughly for graduation. Parts of the house are VERY clean! I graduate tomorrow at 4pm!! We had grad practice today and it was boring, pointless, and repetitive. *shrugs* I guess that's life.

I got a 4.4 for the semester! *dances* I'm excited. I got a 104.7% in econ! I got an A+ in Civics and I got an A+ in Econ! So I hit all my goals this semester with my grades and award stuff. It's all pretty good.

I think that's it. Short entry, but I'll write more on Monday or something.